Monday, August 19, 2019

A Sweet Surprise

Summer on this funny farm generally brings lazy mornings, farm chores, and afternoons in the swimming pool (or reading books poolside as you look up each time someone yells 'mom'). This summer has been much of the same AND we found out a sweet surprise that will add another tail to our funny farm!

Due to some symptoms that started to add together and seem familiar I decided to see the doctor and found out baby Kane #4 will be joining our funny farm at the end of December. Being 39 and pregnant after starting this family adventure thirteen years ago has been quite an adjustment for me to wrap my head around. So it has taken me awhile to let people know. Of course the growing human inside my stomach is starting to give itself away! So I have taken to Photoshop, Pic Collage, and Photofy to help pictures tell my story.

And to tell the three giggly girls we already have at home I decided to put together a little game. I knew I wanted the girls to have something to remember when we told them so I found some fun Cabbage Patch animals and animal forms from Play Dough to go along with the farm theme I was looking for. Then I created a word jumble with baby animal names using the cat, dog, rabbit, goat, sheep, and chicken animals I had found. When the girls had kitty, puppy, bunny, kid, lamb, and chick unscrambled they had letters to unscramble the word baby. I then gave them each two of the animals I had found along with the name of a group of those animals - clowder, pack, tribe, herd, flock, and brood and also an extra card with their names and a card that said sisters because I needed one more letter! As they matched the group of animals with the props they received a card with the name of the animal and one letter capitalized. In the end they had to unscramble the capital letters to spell the word sibling. When they put it together they had baby sibling and we showed them the ultrasound pictures.

It was so fun to watch them work together to match and unscramble the words and try to figure out what the heck they were doing this for. And I even noticed my middle G has the stuffed chick in her bed to sleep with each night. 

And since I chose not to find out the gender with the first three G girls I left this one up to Mark to decide when we went to the 20 week ultrasound....

Stay tuned to see how this sweet surprise shakes up the funny farm and takes us on some new adventures in growing great kiddos.